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International Symposium: Urban Strategies. Art in Urban Development Areas

  Kathrin Böhm / public works – Team Böhm/Lang/Saffer

  On the importance of informal gatherings

You artists always want us to join in!
How do artists find residents when they call on them at home?
What does joining in mean and who controls it?

Contact during informal gatherings counteracts the dynamism of activity by detaching people from their work and making them approachable outside their customary role, as an artist making a presentation, a boss supervising, a curator mediating, an architect planning etc.
Artistic issues naturally overlap with day-to-day affairs. We are interested in the reactions that take place when these two sets of concerns meet. How can both sides join together in developing something new from the encounter?

Conversations conducted during informal gatherings have a special character that cannot be achieved at strictly organised meetings. Informal exchanges produce the kind of knowledge and experience essential to the understanding and running of a site or institution. In our projects we begin by monitoring the apparently irreconcilable poles of informal communication and regulated activity and control. We then attempt to bring the two together in an extended one-to-one dialogue aimed at influencing the wide-ranging concerns of long-term planning and administrative practices.


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