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kunstprojekte_riem is a six-year pilot project financed by the City of Munich from its Art for Architecture budget, funds acquired as a result of a stipulation that a certain percentage of the costs involved in building municipal crèches, schools, fire stations etc. be set aside for art in and around buildings and in public places. These various sums of money were pooled in Messestadt Riem, enabling works of art to be created at public sites independently of individual building projects and in accordance with residents' wishes.
The aim of kunstprojekte_riem is to create art that reflects the interests of the public. Commissions must therefore take into account both the rapidly changing face of Messestadt Riem now and in the years to come and the varied concerns of those affected. For the artists, this means addressing the specifics of the suburb and engaging in a dialogue with those who commission their work - ultimately, the local residents. In their works, some of which are intended to be realised over a number of years, they focus on certain aspects of life in the new suburb. In addition, several projects are carried out each year in connection with a particular theme or motto.